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As more cars are sold online, scammers continue to take advantage of international buyers. Faked listings, photos, or fraudulent titles have surprised buyers after transferring funds, and sellers have disappeared.

Our escrow service aims to create a secure transaction that ensures funds are only transferred when the existence of vehicles and their roadworthiness is confirmed.

Escrow Information Request Form

West Coast Shipping

What is escrow and when to use it?

Not everyone feels comfortable sending money for a vehicle located in another part of the world. Never see the vehicle in person, and all contact with the seller has been via email or telephone.

In most cases, the seller disappears with the money. You can hire a lawyer and try to recover your funds, but this takes time and additional money. It's also possible that after buying the vehicle, you discover that the VIN number and titles do not match, so the vehicle cannot be exported or imported.

Our escrow service provides a secure way to pay for vehicles abroad. Without worries about sellers who disappear with money or false documents. We pay for the vehicle at the time of pickup, verify that the documents and VIN numbers match, that there are no pending liens on the title, and we collect the car along with the necessary documents for export.