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Ukraine abolishes the import duty on electric cars

By Alex Naumov on December 18, 2015 at 3:21 PM

Importing electric cars into Ukraine is about to get cheaper Although Ukraine has long been an importer of electric cars such as the Tesla and the Nissan Leaf, the number of vehicles imported has remained low. However, with the government’s recent decision to abolish the 10% import du …

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How the Falling Ruble is Resulting in Cheaper Cars from Russia

By Alex Naumov on January 8, 2015 at 8:24 AM

Devaluation of the ruble has created a market for car buyers from CIS nations. With the Russian ruble continuing it’s slide, residents of CIS countries are seeing an opportunity. Instead of buying cars in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, they are taking advantage of favorable exchange rates …

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Topics: Russia News

Shipping Cars Internationally to Russia

By Alex Naumov on August 13, 2014 at 2:46 PM

Russia, the largest country in the world as measured by landmass, spans 9 time zones and borders 14 adjacent countries. Its typography is diverse, ranging from jagged mountains to grain filled steppes. So too for climate, including everything from snow-packed Siberia to warm, balmy be …

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