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US Classic car exports: Where on Earth do these classic cars go?

By Dmitriy Shibarshin on October 31, 2018 at 10:09 AM


According to data provided by Piers, over 35,000 classic cars are exported each year from the United States. Roughly 10,000 of those pass through our export facilities each year alone. There's an entire industry built around sourcing classic cars from the US. Where do all of these car …

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US Car Exports Grow By 25% in 2017

By Dmitriy Shibarshin on April 18, 2018 at 10:56 AM


According to our latest US car export report, demand for US cars continues to grow worldwide. In 2017 the number of cars exported from the US in containers has grown by 25% to over 640,000 cars. Data shows that all but one region has imported more cars than the previous year. Download …

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