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Auto Moto Epoca: Italy's largest classic car show steps up to the world stage

by Dmitriy Shibarshin on October 30, 2018 at 5:12 PM


Photos courtesy of Auto Moto Epoca For a classic car show to attract a worldwide audience, it must offer something for everyone. And as we saw for ourselves, that's what the Auto Moto Epoca classic car show provided. Over 120,000 visitors from 40 countries came to Italy's largest clas …

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Netherlands VAT increase in 2019

by Alex Naumov on October 17, 2018 at 11:19 AM


A new tax law was signed in the Netherlands, which raises VAT on classic cars to 9% in 2019. The Dutch have previously enjoyed a 6% VAT on classics, one of the lowest in the EU. We've been following the news and here's what you need to know: Classics will continue to be imported throu …

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Rennsport Reunion VI - Porsche Heaven

by Dmitriy Shibarshin on October 17, 2018 at 9:48 AM


To say Rennsport VI was a special event is an understatement. It was a sight to behold as over 1,200 Porsches gathered at the famous Laguna Seca race track in California. Held only spontaneously every few years, it’s one of the events that any gear head does not want to miss. We spent …

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