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How Fruits And Nuts Are Disrupting US Car Exports

by Dmitriy Shibarshin on February 21, 2018 at 4:42 PM


Depsite gigantic 400 meter long container ships, demand for shipping from the United States is outpacing space available on ships. The delays caused are affecting exporting vehicles is hurting other shipping companies . As a result, many car exporters are not able to get vehicles onto …

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Topics: Car Shipping News

Why Retromobile 2018 Was The Place To Be For Classic Car Buyers

by Dmitriy Shibarshin on February 16, 2018 at 4:08 PM


With France blanketed in snow, there was no better place to be than at Retromobile in Paris last week. Taking place at the expansive Porte de Versalles, crowds navigated over 68,000 square meters of show floor to discover more than 600 classic cars brought by dealers, manufacturers, a …

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