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This Is The Classic Car Auction You Must Attend

by Dmitriy Shibarshin on December 14, 2017 at 12:08 PM


Down in Southern California there remains a classic car auction that's flown under the radar of most buyers. It's not a new auction because its been held bi-annually for the last 31 years. And it's not a small auction either, as over 500 cars are offered for sale at each event. What y …

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How To Apply For The Philippines Car Import Permit

by Alex Naumov on December 11, 2017 at 4:02 PM


Preparing to ship your car to the Philippines? You should check if the Philippines government will allow you to import a vehicle. If you're planning to ship your car to the Philippines, it's important to note that the country has strict regulations when it comes to importing vehicles. …

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