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Paris Banning Classic Cars?

by Alex Naumov on March 23, 2015 at 12:44 PM

Record smog in Paris is forcing French lawmakers to create low emission zones. In a move to curb vehicle use by 2020, cars over 20 years old will have limited access to Paris. Will this move signal a ban on classic cars in city centers?

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Preserving Classic Cars under the World Heritage Status

by Alex Naumov on March 20, 2015 at 2:28 PM

Protecting Classic Cars from Destruction There is no denying that cars have shaped history as we know it today. Since their invention over 130 years ago, they continue to hold social and historic value. Unfortunately not everyone sees it that way, as some classic cars are still ending …

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Topics: Classic Cars News

Growing Demand for Car Shipping to China

by Alex Naumov on March 12, 2015 at 1:07 PM

The approval of parallel car imports is encouraging more exporters to ship cars to China. As we discussed previously, China has taken a big step towards disrupting monopolistic practices of foreign car manufacturers. By circumventing the franchise dealers, more Chinese consumers are n …

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