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Nigerian Car Shipping: Revamping the Nigerian Auto Market

by Alex Naumov on January 21, 2015 at 4:02 PM

Nigeria is looking to make 2015 the year it revives local auto manufacturing. Already having the largest and youngest population on the continent, Nigeria has now also become the largest economy in Africa. Worth more than $500 billion, their economy overtook South Africa's as the 21st …

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West Coast Port Congestion Still Affecting Car Shipping in 2015

by Alex Naumov on January 13, 2015 at 9:59 AM

Severe US West Coast port delays are still with us in 2015 International shipping companies have long been yearning for a fresh start in the new year. After experiencing prolonged delays during the holidays, companies were looking forward to easing congestion and quicker turn around t …

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Topics: Car Shows News

International Car Shipping to China: Legalized Parallel Car Imports

by Alex Naumov on January 9, 2015 at 1:18 PM

China Legalizes the "Parallel Car Market" By imposing new laws on dealerships and car manufacturers, the Chinese government appears to finally have a solution to absurdly high prices on imported cars. Starting in the Car Trade Market in Beijing’s Asian Games Village, laws are beginnin …

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Topics: Asia China

How the Falling Ruble is Resulting in Cheaper Cars from Russia

by Alex Naumov on January 8, 2015 at 8:24 AM

Devaluation of the ruble has created a market for car buyers from CIS nations. With the Russian ruble continuing it’s slide, residents of CIS countries are seeing an opportunity. Instead of buying cars in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, they are taking advantage of favorable exchange rates …

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Topics: Russia News

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